Please help
(too old to reply)
Mike Rieves
2006-08-17 05:56:15 UTC
okay here it goes my name is ray and i just lost my job just this month
and i need help and i will not stand on a corner
to ask for help like the bums. i am been trying to work doing
landscaping.but those hours are just not making it.. i am asking
any one on the net if they can send me any kind of money.. just to let
every one know i am not tring to be a millionaire
by doing this ,just get by. i will lose my apt at the end of the month
today is Augest 15,2006....
to help me just go to www.paypal.com and sign up and send me anything you
can.thank in advance.if you like,
if u send me one thanks..that is the email
that u will need to send me some change please
hopefully this is not illegal...as i think if the Pan handlers can ask for
change on a corner i can ask on the internet
With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones, Ray Garcia
--This Message Has Been Posted Using A Trial Version Of Message Poster
Would you like to reach millions of customers for only the cost of
You can post messages like this to thousands of newsgroups with a simple
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I don't know if panhandling on the internet is illegal, but send out spam
is definitely illegal! You are breaking the law by doing this.
Laurence Payne
2006-08-17 12:10:45 UTC
Post by Mike Rieves
Would you like to reach millions of customers for only the cost of
You can post messages like this to thousands of newsgroups with a simple
use software application called Message Poster 2003. For more details on
I don't know if panhandling on the internet is illegal, but send out spam
is definitely illegal! You are breaking the law by doing this.
There's a LAW against spam now? Details, please?
Mike Rieves
2006-08-18 04:04:36 UTC
Post by Laurence Payne
Post by Mike Rieves
Would you like to reach millions of customers for only the cost of
You can post messages like this to thousands of newsgroups with a simple
use software application called Message Poster 2003. For more details on
I don't know if panhandling on the internet is illegal, but send out spam
is definitely illegal! You are breaking the law by doing this.
There's a LAW against spam now? Details, please?
There have been laws in place against spamming for quite a while now, and
once in a while you even see spammers getting arrested, tried, and
convicted. Try doing a Google for "anti spam laws"
Laurence Payne
2006-08-18 07:09:54 UTC
Post by Mike Rieves
Post by Laurence Payne
There's a LAW against spam now? Details, please?
There have been laws in place against spamming for quite a while now, and
once in a while you even see spammers getting arrested, tried, and
convicted. Try doing a Google for "anti spam laws"
I find nothing that applies to newsgroups. What can you show us?
Mike Rieves
2006-08-19 02:42:57 UTC
Post by Laurence Payne
Post by Mike Rieves
Post by Laurence Payne
There's a LAW against spam now? Details, please?
There have been laws in place against spamming for quite a while now, and
once in a while you even see spammers getting arrested, tried, and
convicted. Try doing a Google for "anti spam laws"
I find nothing that applies to newsgroups. What can you show us?
I was trying to discourage the jerk from spamming Usenet. Spam laws
generally apply to email, but I'm hoping some smart DA will find a way to
apply them to newsgroups and prosecute a few of these idiots. :-)
Laurence Payne
2006-08-19 08:02:00 UTC
Post by Mike Rieves
Post by Laurence Payne
I find nothing that applies to newsgroups. What can you show us?
I was trying to discourage the jerk from spamming Usenet. Spam laws
generally apply to email, but I'm hoping some smart DA will find a way to
apply them to newsgroups and prosecute a few of these idiots. :-)
Yeah. Replying to spam discourages it. That's been proved many times
2006-08-20 04:59:33 UTC
Post by Mike Rieves
okay here it goes my name is ray and i just lost my job just this month
and i need help and i will not stand on a corner
to ask for help like the bums. i am been trying to work doing
landscaping.but those hours are just not making it.. i am asking
any one on the net if they can send me any kind of money.. just to let
every one know i am not tring to be a millionaire
by doing this ,just get by. i will lose my apt at the end of the month
today is Augest 15,2006....
to help me just go to www.paypal.com and sign up and send me anything you
can.thank in advance.if you like,
if u send me one thanks..that is the email
that u will need to send me some change please
hopefully this is not illegal...as i think if the Pan handlers can ask for
change on a corner i can ask on the internet
With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones, Ray Garcia
--This Message Has Been Posted Using A Trial Version Of Message Poster
Would you like to reach millions of customers for only the cost of
You can post messages like this to thousands of newsgroups with a simple
use software application called Message Poster 2003. For more details on
I don't know if panhandling on the internet is illegal, but send out spam
is definitely illegal! You are breaking the law by doing this.
Not to mention I find it absolutely hilarious that someone who claims
to not want to panhandle will do it here, with no qualms...I'd give
money to someone on the street, long before I'd give it to an
anonymous person on the net. And, someone who claims to be broke can
afford internet! I know, libraries have access, but I've yet to find
one that allows access to newsgroups anywhere near where I live. Maybe
I'm wrong.. but its pretty funny to me.
2006-08-20 16:14:41 UTC
anyway: does it work Ray? cause if it does íll quit my job too
2006-08-20 23:08:31 UTC
Post by Mike Rieves
okay here it goes my name is ray and i just lost my job just this
month and i need help and i will not stand on a corner
to ask for help like the bums. i am been trying to work doing
landscaping.but those hours are just not making it.. i am asking
any one on the net if they can send me any kind of money.. just to
let every one know i am not tring to be a millionaire
by doing this ,just get by. i will lose my apt at the end of the
month today is Augest 15,2006....
to help me just go to www.paypal.com and sign up and send me anything
you can.thank in advance.if you like,
email if u send me one thanks..that is the email
that u will need to send me some change please
hopefully this is not illegal...as i think if the Pan handlers can
ask for change on a corner i can ask on the internet
With warm wishes, bless you and your loved ones, Ray Garcia
------- --This Message Has Been Posted Using A Trial Version Of
Message Poster 2003--
------- Would you like to reach millions of customers for only the
cost of bandwidth?
You can post messages like this to thousands of newsgroups with a
simple to
use software application called Message Poster 2003. For more
I don't know if panhandling on the internet is illegal, but send out spam
is definitely illegal! You are breaking the law by doing this.
No surprise. Only a shit for brains moron like Mike (Porky) Rieves would
consider it of value to reply to a spammer who has posted the same article
in every newsgroup on the usenet.
2006-08-23 16:12:10 UTC
Post by NoSurprise
No surprise. Only a shit for brains moron like Mike (Porky) Rieves would
consider it of value to reply to a spammer who has posted the same article
in every newsgroup on the usenet.
Speaking of shit-for-brains:
you managed to quote his entire message, left the spam links intact,
and x-posted, too. Plus added a follow-up request on your message.

Keep it in your own group.
